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Somerset & Bristol Group

The most recent of the L&B's Area Groups being formed in 2013 - although there were individual Bristol and Somerset Groups, it was thought best to combine in order to cover a wider area.  The prime intention is to provide a focus for L&BR Trust members in the west country, to attend shows and other events promoting the Railway and hopefully increasing the membership. We are also planning to undertake small restoration projects. The current thinking is to undertake the reconstruction of one of the 4 ton 4 wheeled vans.

To get in touch please click HERE for David in Somerset or HERE for Mark in Bristol.

David Edwards & Mark Bladwell



Latest from Somerset and Bristol Area (SABA)


The Somerset and Bristol Area (SABA) support group is now concentrating on fund raising to restore Van 23 to full operating condition.

The group subsidised the transfer of the van to Great Yeldham since when it has moved to Friday Wood Farm, Colchester, new home of the EAST Group where it is hoped work will start early in 2018.

Posted By David Edwards read more

Somerset and Bristol Area (SABA)


The Somerset and Bristol Area (SABA) support group's AGM will be held at 7.30pm Monday 13th March at the Quarter Jack Wetherspoons in Wells 14, Priory Rd, Wells BA5 1SY

Although not holding regular meetings, the group is still active in attending local railway events to publicise the L&B and raise funds for the re-restoration of Van 23. The last two events have been 13th -14th August 2016 attending the 48th Annual Railwells Model Railway Exhibition and Narrow Gauge South West on February 18th of this year.

Posted By David Edwards read more

The Somerset and Bristol Area Group (SABA) at Railwells


The Somerset and Bristol Area Group (SABA) at Railwells

The Somerset and Bristol Area Group (SABA) recently provided a Lynton and Barnstaple Railway stand at Railwells, a regular yearly railway event at Wells Town Hall.

Posted By keith vingoe read more

Somerset Area Group Meeting 3rd March


At the February meeting of the group, David Edwards gave a talk on 16mm Garden Model Railways covering scales, gauges, power sources, consumables and radio control, with pictures and video of running his locos - Yeo and Lyn - at the Cheddar Steam Club site.

Posted By David Edwards read more

Somerset and Bristol Area Group AGM


A summary of the Minutes of the first AGM of the L&B Somerset and Bristol Area (SABA) Support Group 6th January 1014 - held at the EMI Sports and Social Club Wells

Agenda Items 1 – 3, Committee Elections

Posted By keith vingoe read more

Somerset and Bristol Area Group Meeting


The Somerset and Bristol Area Lynton and Barnstaple Railway Support Group met at 7.30pm on Monday 2nd December 2013 at the EMI Sports and Social Club, Wells.

There were 14 Attendees, with two apologies for absence.

The meeting began with a talk by Mark Bladwell, combined with photos of the walk he made with other L&B members over the trackbed between Woody Bay and Caffyns Halt on Sunday 10th November. This was followed by an excellent buffet prepared by the Sports and Social Club.

Posted By David Edwards read more

Corporate Supporters - Where to Stay

The Denes Fox and Goose Highfield House Lynton Cottage Moorlands North Cliff Sinai House