Construction of the railway to Killington Lane started in early 2005 with the building of Bridge 67. Nuttalls who built the original Lynton & Barnstaple Railway in the mid 1890s kindly donated Bridge 67 for the new railway.
Bridge 67 was topped out in spring 2005. Work on the line to Killington Lane beyond the bridge commenced after the end of the 2005 season.
Ballast was laid over and beyond the bridge in late 2005.
Bronlwyd was posed on the bridge at the end of the 2005 season, before the hard work started on constructing the next two-thirds of a mile.
Again the trackbed beyond the bridge was very clear, having previously been used as a farm track.
All the line to this point has been laid with 50lb rail on wooden sleepers with Pandrol clips. The sections of track through the platforms are secured with coach bolts and some sidings are left spiked.
Base ballast was all laid by a local contractor using locally quarried stone.
The views out from this longer stretch of line are fantastic, giving a real feel for a journey on the old Lynton & Barnstaple. In the distance over Exmoor is the Bristol Channel and Heddon's Mouth.
Two occupation (farm) crossings have been constructed between bridge 67 and Killington Lane. New reinforced concrete gate posts were cast to complement the SR fence posts on this stretch of this line.
The area approaching Killington Lane is formed of a filled in cutting. One of the first jobs was to excavate the cutting. This provided fill material to build up the adjacent land for the temporary station.
Earthworks were completed over winter 2005/6 and ballast was laid in the new station area, early in 2006.
The cutting has now been half excavated but no track will be laid into it.
Track was laid into Killington Lane station in early spring 2006.
The temporary station has been built to the full L&B loading gauge, which will allow larger rolling stock to use the railway.
The railway to Killington Lane was completed not long after Easter 2006. Within a few weeks of our original target date.
The inspection of the new railway took place in the middle of May, and the first passenger trains ran on the end of May bank holiday weekend.
2006 now sees the Lynton & Barnstaple Railway operating over a mile of track with two stations.
The extension of the railway to Killington Lane was officially opened on Saturday 12th May 2007 by the Leader of Devon County Council.
The next section of railway to be built will be from Killington Lane towards Blackmoor Gate.